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White Papers

Ensuring CyberSecurity in Grid-Connected Storage Assets

Cybersecurity in energy storage assets

Why Cybersecurity in Energy Storage is More Crucial Than Ever

Growing connectivity and network convergence bring efficiency to the grid but also create new vulnerabilities.

As an essential component to support North American grid operators in meeting the constraints of the real-time demand-supply equilibrium, energy storage systems need to be adequately protected and compatible with the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) standard to ensure they can’t be used to compromise the grid on which so many rely.

Download our latest white paper to learn more about the 5 pillars of cybersecurity in energy storage and how EVLO ensures the security of its BESS at every level.

About the author

Jonathan Le Ber

Senior Cybersecurity Architect

Jonathan Le Ber is EVLO’s Senior Cybersecurity Architect. In 2006, he joined Hydro-Québec and held the positions of database administrator, analyst, trainer and project manager for critical electrical engineering applications, such as geo-referenced inventory systems and electrical network simulation and modeling systems for load and protection studies. He subsequently participated in the creation of Esstalion, an Hydro-Québec joint-venture, where he set up the IT team to provide the technological infrastructure for the company. In addition, he was responsible for the communication and server architecture of the battery storage systems installed at customer sites, as well as the IT security compliance of the projects. Jonathan holds a bachelor’s degree in Software Engineering from École de technologie supérieure (ETS).